Barber, M. S. (McKechnie Section 1)

Recorded by Jackson (Dictionary), with the date 1824. The near-coincidence of dates suggests that Jackson may have seen a silhouette by C. L. Barber inscribed 'Mr. Barber'; the 'Mr.' may have been wrongly copied as 'M. S.', and C. L. Barber may in this way have been listed as a different artist. The supposition is strengthened by the similarity of the plain black bust-length profile of a man, attributed by Jackson to M. S. Barber, to the type of work which one would expect to be characteristic of C. L. Barber. The subject of the present entry may have been the Barber who is known to have worked later at the Adelaide Gallery (q.v.). The silhouette described by Jackson was signed on the back and inscribed 'Cut in Half a Minute', a speed which could have been achieved by working either freehand or with mechanical means.