Welcome, please join in and help the project by adding your British portrait silhouettes to the Profiles of the Past gallery. Go straight to the Join In registration page. If registered already, go to the Log in page.
Whether you own just one silhouette, or a large collection, we would very much like to receive digital copies. This will expand the contents of the website making it a far more useful resource for all. It will also help to develop a back-up of your and the nation’s silhouette heritage.
If you don't know much about the silhouette/s you have, just send us digital photos or scans of the work/s. If you can tell us something about each portrait, even better - the information you provide will be of use to many and may, over time, allow us to learn yet more about the picture/s added. Our upload system allows you to send images even when you have no additional information or enter relevant details, e.g., name of artist, date of production, where you do have them.
Profiles of the Past is a not-for-profit project that uses a Creative Commons license to govern participation. You can read more about the License here.
If you have less than 100 works to add, just click Join In to load the registration page.
If you hold a significant number of silhouettes or represent an institution with a large collection of images and associated information please contact, nick@rth.org.uk before sending material. We will supply an alternative bulk-upload solution.
In case you have any questions before participating or if you experience technical difficulties when doing so, please email: nick@rth.org.uk.