A new venue: - DREWEATT NEATE, Fine Art Auctioneers & Estate Agents, have a Sale on 5th. November, 1997. This Sale will be held at Donnington Priory: -
Berkshire, RG14 2JE. tel. 01635 31234.
Three works by John Buncombe - all soldiers - will be sold at this Sale. I have illustrated two of these above. Estimates range from £400 to £1,000 depending on the condition of the works. I understand that the soldier above with the hat is in excellent condition. Catalogues can be obtained by post for £7. I appreciate the difficulty of buying works without seeing these first but perhaps Newbury (which is about a mile from Donnington) would not be too far for you and it would be an opportunity to acquire a Buncombe!
PHILLIPS - New Bond Street, London have a Sale on 11th. November at 11 a.m. I understand that they have about 30 lots of silhouettes and most of these are illustrated in the catalogue. To date I have no details of the works but understand that there are some unusual and exciting works for Sale. So it seems to be all go at the moment in the Salerooms after a rather quiet few months. I am sorry that I have not been able to give you more notice of these events but nevertheless hope that some of you are able to make a good purchase for your Collections.