Trewinnard, Joshua

Date and place of birth:
born 12,10.1761, bapt.01.11.1761, St.James's, Piccadilly
Date and place of death:
dec. Grange Road, Bermondsey, bur. 08.12.1837, St.Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey
(fl) ca. 1811-1829
Known places of work:
40 Strand, London
Known techniques:
Painted on paper and card
Known materials:
Paper and card
Oval fruitwood, papier mâché


Joshua Trewinnard worked as a profilist in London during the early part of the 19th C. He advertised on his trade labels that he produced profiles in all mediums; card, ivory, glass and composite, yet only examples on card have come to light.

There is scant information available regarding Joshua Trewinnard’s background or his professional career. This is further complicated due to his practice of sharing trade labels at various points in his career with three other artists; Mrs A. Trewinnard (from 1806) followed by J.T.Mitchell (from 1816-1819), then a period from 1819-1825 on his own, and lastly Mrs Edward Smith (from 1826-1829). We know he moved to 40 Strand, London in 1804 as shown in rate books of the time.

There are two examples of work by Trewinnard. One is the profile of a woman painted in plain thinned pigment. The other is a profile of a man in black water colour mixed with Naples Yellow. This represents a dull version of the popular bronzing effect of the period. Unfortunately, there is relatively little more we know about Joshua Trewinnard.

Additional research about Joshua Trewinnard:

Source: McKechnie (Author of, British Silhouette Artists and their Work 1760-1860)

Trewinnard, Joshua (McKechnie Section 1)
Trewinnard, Joshua (McKechnie Section 3)
Trewinnard, Joshua (McKechnie Section 4)
Trewinnard, Joshua (McKechnie Section 6)

Gallery Silhouettes

Front of Silhouette, in frame, with man looking left