Isaac Taylor III came from an incredibly artistic family. He was the third generation of Isaac Taylors to be trained as an engraver, and also trained as a draughtsman and painter. Silhouette painting was really supplementary to this broad range of work and his profiles were adequate at best.
Prior to settling in Essex, Isaac Taylor III lived in Oxford. It is thought that here he began to write philosophical treaties, painting silhouettes to supplement his income. He considered himself a writer and painter, and wrote extensively on religion. One trade label exists, which describes him as a “successor to Campione”, another silhouettist.
Due to the price range on his trade label, it is presumed that Taylor executed full length portraits as well as bust-length ones. His style closely resembled that of Rought, an Oxford silhouettist. Taylor’s style is not delicate; neckwear folds are suggested by white space and sketchy detail is added by brush. Detail such as drapery on women’s caps is also poorly sketched. His bust-length portraits typically terminate with a deeply plunging line. A typical feature of his work is described by McKechnie as black “splodges” at the base of his sitters. Today Isaac Taylor III is moderately well regarded as a profilist, but better known as an all-round artist.
Source: McKechnie (Author of, British Silhouette Artists and their Work 1760-1860)
Taylor, Isaac III (McKechnie Section 2)