Seville, W. and Son (McKechnie Section 6)

See Section One for main entry

The handbill printed in 1845 (illustrated in Section One) offers a variety of coloured work, including portrait miniatures on ivory and on card (which must have been in full- or three-quarter face) and 'coloured likenesses' (presumably in profile on card). In the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, there is a profile miniature in colour, apparently painted before 1840, which may be either by the elder Seville or (possibly) by Stannard (q.v.), who worked with the gallery for a brief period during the late 1820s. Any examples dating from the 1840s would probably be by the younger Seville.

The profile referred to above is of a boy in his teens, and is of indifferent quality. Painted on card, it is notable for the use of bright scarlet flesh tints and of Prussian blue for the sitter's coat.