Recorded by Mr J. A. Pollak (‘Fresh light on Silhouette’, Connoisseur, March 1949), who mentions two bust-length silhouettes. Two other examples, similarly signed but both full-length, were included in a sale by Sotheby and Company, London, on 27 March 1972. It seems likely that all four examples were by the same artist, who seems to have been working from the late 1830s to the mid-1840s. Graves records a number of artists named Francis who exhibited at about this time, but the quality of the silhouettes seen does not suggest that the artist responsible for them would have been able to achieve exhibition standard.
The bust-length ‘cut and bronzed’ work seen by Mr Pollak dates apparently from the late 1830s. The two recorded full-length examples now in Mr W. E. Fox-Smith's collection date from the mid-1840s. They are both of women, and are large. Both figures are shown seated, and are lavishly, though not very expertly, touched with bright yellow gold. Silver paint was also used, and one sitter is shown seated on a chair the upholstery of which is painted pink (this is not the illustrated example). Although the work in these silhouettes, when examined closely, can be seen to be not of an especially high standard, the general effect is attractive. Both examples are framed in maple.
The artist's signature, simply ‘Francis’ on the full-length silhouettes, was roughly drawn on these with a brush.
Ill. 410
Signed ‘FRANCIS.’
W. E. Fox-Smith collection