See Section Seven for main entry
On his trade labels Dillon offers 'Profiles and Likenesses in various styles' and describes himself as `Miniature Painter'. The examples in colour of which I know are miniatures painted on card. Two of these show the sitter almost full face. One, illustrated by Foskett, is a miniature of a four-year-old boy, Joseph Sambell, painted in 1810. It is 2 5/8 in height and in a papier mâché frame, and bears Trade Label No. 1. This example shows good work, described by Foskett as 'in the manner of Edridge' (Henry Edridge, 1768-1821, miniaturist and water-colour painter). The other is in the Fox-Smith collection.
The example owned by Mr W. E. Fox-Smith (the sitter is a Mrs Farrel, or Harrel) is painted on a rectangular piece of card; it is signed 'C. G. Dillon' and is dated 1833. The face is skillfully rendered (again, in the manner of Edridge), with flesh tints of a brownish hue; the neck is treated in the same manner. The hair is more roughly painted in sepia. The sitter's jewellery is painted in yellow. The remainder of the portrait is skillfully executed in pencil.
The phrase on Dillon's trade labels. 'Profiles and Likenesses in various styles', suggests that miniature portraits in profile may corme to light.
Ill. 1527
Signed on the front, ‘C. G. Dillon 1833’.
W. E. Fox-Smith collection