King, R. W. (McKechnie Section 2)

Known from a silhouette of the Reverend Clement Chevallier, whose year of birth is given on the reverse as 1765. The silhouette (in the Castle Museum, Norwich) was possibly taken between 1810 and 1820. The trade label on the reverse informs us that King was a resident of Yarmouth at about this time, who, although primarily a 'Fancy and General Stationer', also undertook varied artistic work, including the copying of portrait miniatures and the painting of silhouettes. He also calls himself a 'Portrait Painter'.

The silhouette is painted on paper in shades of black pigment, and touched with gum arabic and Chinese white. The size is 3¹⁄₈ x 2¹⁄₂ in.

The trade label (which is printed) reads:


Fancy and General Stationer

Portrait and Miniature Painter and Profilist

Old Broad Row,


An accurate Likeness taken by a Patent Machine for one shilling. Miniature and other Frames in great variety. Miniatures of all descriptions accurately cop [ied].

Another printed label on this silhouette has been almost completely destroyed.