Lady Lousia Kerr came from an aristocratic family—her father was Vice Admiral Lord Mark Kerr (he later became the Sixth Marquess of Lothian and was also a talented amateur artist) and her mother was the Countess of Antrim. She had many artistic talents—amongst these was the cutting of silhouettes of her friends and relatives among the aristocracy. She is particularly noted amongst collectors for the painted backgrounds to her cut-out silhouettes, which gave many of her full-length works an atmospheric elegance.
I cannot think of her work without recalling a visit a number of Members of the S.C.C. made to the saleroom of H. Duke & Son in Dorchester in March 1983. A large number of the artist's works were for sale including quite a number of silhouettes—both full and bust-length and all of named people. Unfortunately the group's plans were dashed as the prices achieved were much higher than we were expecting—so in the end we came away with very little and had to be content with the less famous sitters!
However Lady Louisa is not recorded as being a painter of silhouettes—so I am grateful to Cynthia McKinley of "Wigs on the Green" and a Member of the S.C.C. for the photographs above.
On the left is Margaret—apparently feeding her puppy on the table or possibly on the piano! The composition is rather charming and it is possibly an early work as the painting of the background is somewhat cursory and not especially skilled. On the right is the artist herself with her step-father—painted on holiday in France. The work is not in a very good condition so is due to go to the paper restorers for conservation. It will then form part of the family archives.