Over the last couple of months we have been in discussion with renowned costume historian, Professor Lou Taylor, and others from the School of Humanities at the University of Brighton, about setting up a University 'Silhouette Research Group'. The intention being that the Group will look, specifilcally, at the material culture of silhouettes and related dress history. There has been great interest in this idea, amongst both faculty and students at the University and a team of some ten peoople has now been drawn together to undertake work.
More recently, Lou and her team have secured sponsorship from the University of Brighton Alumni Association to enable stroger collaboration with the Profiles project and, as a result of this, the research papers produced by the group will be published in a volume to be entitled 'PROFILES OF THE PAST Silhouettes, Fashion and Image 1760-1960'. This publication will be available from mid-June 2013 and will, most likely, be launched at our first silhouette study workshop. More about this event in due course.
A heartfelt thanks to all in the Silhouette Research Group for the work already completed, we can't wait to see the finished projects!