Nick's blog

Silhouette Catalogue

Delayed by the pandemic, the Catalogue is now taking its final form.  The public verision of the work will be uploaded during the first half of 2022.

Catalogue coming...

Over the period of the lockdown, we have been cataloguing the Joll Collection.  We are finally nearing the end of the job and will soon make a copy of the key information available via the website.

Sad loss to the silhouette world

Ms Diana Joll, long time editor and the Sihouette Collector's Club Newsletter and leading authority on British portrait silhoutette history has died today, following a long illness. Diana's support for the development of this website is extensively documented in our pages, without her enthusiasm and guidance the Profiles project would not exist. We extend our sympathies to those in her family and to her many friends and we share in the pain of the loss.

Brighton & Hove Open Door 2019

As ever during September, we are offering the chance to try using our silhouette machines to produce a portrait. For a schedule of events see: www/

Diana Joll celebrates her 92nd birthday

Long time editor of the Silhouette Collectors Club newsletter, Diana Joll, turns 92 today! Happy birthday Diana!

Christmas cards!

Silhouettes for HODs 2017

Don't forget to drop into The Regency Town House and try making a silhouette during Heritage Open Days, for furthe rinformation, see:

New silhouettes soon

We have recently been offered the opportunity to photograph some very fine Regency-period silhouettes and we will be adding these to our Curated Gallery section, most likely over the Christmas break.

Back at work now

We have managed to clear the decks on the project front and can now return to supporting the Profiles website. 

Silhouette Machine sessions

If you are keen to learn about how a silhouette machine works and try your hand making some portraits, do come along to our workshops for Heritage Open Days, 8-11 September 2016, full details at


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