Working with the University of Brighton, School of Humanities Silhouette Research Group, we have undertaken a research project about the material culture of silhouettes and related dress history.
We staged a workshop on this topic, in 2013, at The Regency Town House - review the workshop programme (17Kb .doc file).
We have published the treatise, 'Profiles of the Past: Silhouettes, Fashion and Images 1760-1960'.
This work contains the following entries:
Introduction: Annebella Pollen. Peering into the Shadows: Researching Silhouettes
Chapter 1: Bridget Millmore. ‘To turn sideways’ - an examination of the depiction of hair and
head dresses in late eighteenth century women’s silhouettes
Chapter 2: Johanna Lance. Cutting an elegant figure: the fashionable male silhouette, c.1790-
Chapter 3: E-J Scott and Lou Taylor. The Impact of Neoclassicism on Silhouette Art in the Late
Eighteenth Century
Chapter 4: Suzanne Rowland. Fashion, Ageing and Identity in Regency Silhouettes, 1810-20
Chapter 5: Pallavi Patke. The Silhouette as Portrait and Conservation Piece - late 1830-1840s
Chapter 6: Gabriella Mihok. Shadow, Dress and Identity 1890-1914
Chapter 7: Jaclyn Pyper. The Material Culture of Nostalgia: Hubert Leslie, Baron Scotford and
Twentieth Century Silhouette Portraiture
Conclusion: Annebella Pollen. Silhouettes into the twenty-first century
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