Nick's blog

Back again soon!

We have had enquiries over the last few months from the UK and further afield and it's been a delight to look into silhouette issues with connections to the USA, Australia and New Zealand, as well as with various UK counties. Our plan is to be working on the site once again as of October.

A brief pause!

New portraits going online

We've just heard that we are to be given accesss to some really top-rate late-18th century portraits. We will be photographing these at the end of the month and they will be online in the 'Curated Collection' section of 'Galley' by mid-February. I'll create another blog entry with the same title if we can post this material any earlier.

Thanks for all the cards!

Well, what a lot of silhouette-styled Christmas and New Year cards we've received! Many thanks to all who sent them in to us, very much appreciated :-)

A silhouette for Xmas

Just received a Christmas card with a wonderful silhouette on the front. Our card this year is a very nice representation of the Town House as a Christmas tree bauble. I like our card a lot but I do now wonder if we too should have gone down the silhouette route. Oh well, there's always next year!

Profiled debuts to WI

Presenting a talk to a Brighton WI group last night, about the projects developed at The Regency Town House heritage centre, we were able to introduce the audience to the Profiles project. It's intriguing that every time we do this type of event, there are several in the audience who tell us that they have silhouettes of their relatives. Hopefully, we will come to see the portraits in question in the public gallery section of the website :-)

Credit where it's due!

Great for the Profiles project to gain a credit on Simon Schama's The Face of Britain. Watched by an audience of some 600,000, the programme has hopefully introduced more people to silhouette history and the Profiles website.

See us on BBC2

Episode two of the BBC  series The Face of Britain will showcase silhouettes. You will be able to see some fantastic portraits, some cutting skills demostrated and hear Simon Schama speaking about this form of portraiture.

Catch the programme at 9pm on Wednesday 7 October.

A good start

The Face of Britain seems to have been well received by the critics, with the Indy's TV reviewer saying, 'The historian proves he is the master of giving us the bigger picture' and 'The Face of Britain confirmed what I already knew: Simon Schama would be a great dinner party guest. The historian and presenter has a knack of illuminating stories, including oft-trodden ones, with intimate details like one of those “well-placed sources” the gossip mags like to trot out.'

The 2nd instalment is on BBC2 at 9pm on Wednesday 7 October.

Programmes start this week

Finally! The 5-part TV series The Face of Britain, presented by Professor Simon Schama and focusing on  British portrait history starts this week. 


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